Slavné - Slavné vily Čech, Moravy a Slezska

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Great Villas of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia and Great Villas of Slovakia

FOIBOS - Exhibitions (30.4.2011 22:00)
Fakulty of Architecture ČVUT, Prague
3. – 27. 5. 2011

Great Villas of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia in National Technical Library

FOIBOS - Exhibitions (29.11.2010 23:00)
National Technical Library, Prague
19. 10. - 28. 11. 2010

Great Villas of Slovakia

FOIBOS - Exhibitions (9.11.2010 23:00)
Písek Gate, Prague
10. - 25. 11. 2010

Great Villas od Slovakia

FOIBOS, House of Art of the National Cultural Centre - Exhibitions (28.9.2010 22:00)
House of Art of the National Cultural Centre, Bratislava
29. 9. - 24. 10. 2010
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